Be Thou My Vision

Katherine Gilliland   -  

What will White Memorial look like in ten years? The answer to that question is probably a bit different than what we thought three years ago. COVID has impacted our lives and our habits in ways we’re still trying to understand, and yet we know that the purpose of the church remains steady, rooted in Christ’s life and lessons. The Strategic Vision Team has been exploring this question since the spring, gathering input and brainstorming possibilities around three main areas: Faith Formation, Congregational Care, and Outreach. The common thread connecting these areas is the desire to inspire and support engagement, expanding a sense of community within and beyond our church. We are challenging ourselves to come up with a “moon shot,” referencing John F. Kennedy’s speech in 1962 where he said that within ten years, we would land on the moon. At the time, that goal seemed impossible, and yet it was met within seven years.

The team is still hard at work and hopes to have recommendations submitted to the Session for approval by the end of the year. Then, the real work begins – bringing the “moon shot” vision to reality.

The Strategic Vision team is co-chaired by Fred Kelly and Katherine Gilliland, and consists of Cliff Britt, Matthew Cooke, Debbie Fox, Elizabeth Riddick, Ashley Silverman, Anne Simons, Jared Smith, Michael Tollison, and Scott Wilson, with Christopher Edmonston and Andrew Amodei representing staff.