Habitat For Humanity – Site Construction

February 10 8:15 am

SATURDAY | February 10 | 8:15 a.m.
24 Kelley Meadows Drive, Knightdale NC

Join us for this site construction. Ages 16+ welcomed. Sign-up to participate at the WMPC volunteer hub below.

Date: February 10, 2024; 8:15 am – 3:00 pm (we often finish earlier)
Sign-up site: http://vhub.at/whitememorial
Lunch provided
Location: 24 Kelley Meadows Drive, Knightdale 27545; Flowers Place subdivision; There is a large parking area for volunteers.

Please sign-up soon if you anticipate volunteering on this date as we hope we have volunteers joining us from Healing Transitions and Iglesia Santuario. There are about 10 volunteer positions available.  If I can learn what we will be doing on this Saturday work day, I’ll let you know.

We will also plan for another on-site volunteer date for later in the spring.

Contact: Eric Miller at eric_miller@ncsu.edu or 919-782-0828.
Please let Eric know if you have registered for one of the Saturday work days, or have questions about the registration process or transportation.

#volunteer #serve #service #outreach