The Chancel Glorification Guild has increased its activities and its creativity to include visual displays for worship that blend diverse materials.

Each of our three spaces differ in architectural style, but have a “chancel” where four key symbols are represented: a pulpit (Word), a table and font (Sacraments), and a cross (resurrection). Our Chancel Glorification Guild works behind the scenes to adorn these spaces, that is to enhance our worship experience and to bring glory to God.

The guild provides greenery and arrangements for Advent/Christmas and Lent/Easter in the Sanctuary, the Main Hall and the Chapel. They also provide floral and visual arts displays on other Sundays during the year.

The guild has annually requested donations at Advent/Christmas and Lent/Easter each year to help with seasonal displays and at other times. Gifts to provide an arrangement for either the Sanctuary or Main Hall on a specific Sunday are welcomed throughout the year.

Contact Mary Catherine Sigmon for more information.